Screamfest VII: Shock Exchange


Client: The Kraken

Screamfest was created by Cow as integrated marketing platform and immersive sampling event for The Kraken. It's evolved over time to become hugely anticipated by loyal fans of The Kraken brand. Each year requires a new creative theme that sell-out tickets, deliver an exceptional experience and create stacks of earned media coverage and social reach.

Screamfest VII: Shock Exchange: to get to the bar and enjoy a range of themed Kraken cocktails, consumers had to navigate their way through a terrifying labyrinth inside the former prison at Clerkenwell Catacombs. The twist? At the point of entry, each guest was attached to a heart rate monitor. Drinks at their ultimate destination, The Kraken bar, were the first be priced according to the ability of the individual to control their fear. The lower your heart rate, the cheaper your cocktail. Screamfest VII: Shock Exchange was staged over three nights for 360 consumers, media and influencers. The immersive live experience was replicated by Cow Studio in VR to extend the campaign at scale in regional bars in Leeds, Birmingham, and Glasgow.