Secret Sofa presented by Häagen-Dazs
Client: Häagen-Dazs
Agency: Secret Sofa presented by Häagen-Dazs
For 8 Fridays between April and June 2020, thousands of people across the country hit play together to take part in a reimagined, social, multi-platform film event.
Secret Sofa presented by Häagen-Dazs brought communal cinema experiences into the home, using social channels, email and Zoom to draw participants into the stories and worlds around some of our best loved films, as they unfolded each week to culminate in mass, shared social screening events.
With character narratives, thematic content, live interaction and discussion and era history and costumes, fans were engaged with all sorts of event content in the build-up and afterwards using Facebook live, Instagram, and Tik-Tok, as well as partners and influencer channels.
An Amazon Prime Now partnership brought rotating ice cream flavours, serves and challenges, inspiring households to create their own at-home content with the brand at the heart. Collaborations with Sipsmith, Piper-Heidsieck Champagne and Jack Daniels brought continuously inventive ways to engage.
The work achieved unprecedented positive sentiment, brand buzz and a dramatic sales uplift for Häagen-Dazs, creating new ‘cultural moments’ that brought multiple communities together.
Facebook has highlighted the campaign as a best-in-class case study, following more than 115,000 reactions including over 20,000 and 64,000 shares of #SecretSofa and #HaagIndoors respectively.
Secret Sofa presented by Häagen-Dazs was a hugely effective collaborative pivot that created moments of joy and togetherness in tough times, by using the power of social to connect individual households in a bigger experience, driving narrative and participation, before, during and after.