Vivera World Kebab Day
ZEAL Creative
Client: Vivera
Vivera performed really well in the meat free category with core buyers so there wasn’t much growth opportunity there. We saw growth in the category coming from ‘Felxitarians’. Meat enjoyers who are happy to occasionally witch out to a meat alternative. This became our recommended target audience. The challenge and insight it that clean eating is seen as exactly that. Too clean and not very joyful. Our campaign was used to showcase how clean eating doesn’t have to be boring and there’s nothing less boring than the UK’s favourite post pub treat. The dirty Kebab. The Approach We tackled the solution head on by opening the ‘world’s dirtiest kebab shop’ on world kebab day - July 8th. Consumers were tempted inside with the promise that they could eat their dirty kebabs made from Vivera products ‘judgement free’, in specially constructed booths. Driven by a pre-awareness campaign that was so dirty we had to censor it, queues stretched around the block. On the day of opening our specially invited influencers spread the word further and for those that couldn’t make it, online recipes and in store sampling that really drove our message home.